понедельник, 15 ноября 2010 г.

On the trail childhood

(in progress) Seldom, when there is one house on all life. But there is a house where you were born, there is a house where you have spent the childhood, and there is a house in which you live now. Also can eat still houses in which you will live still.
In this house I was born, and a vein of 19 years . Therefore, when I am going to go to mum, I speak: «I have gone home». Earlier when the daddy was live, coming here, I as if was dipped again into the childhood therefore as it is not enough that varied in apartment: the same old furniture on the places, the same carpet on a wall, hours, the TV. The daddy loved a constancy in everything, therefore without changing itself just as daily at dinner or a supper, he ate garlic, an interior of apartment it did not change.
Now much has changed, from appearance of apartment to other man in our house.
I descended to the grandmother, to mum of the father, my childhood also is connected with their house.
I have returned here to embody the rests of my childhood, the slice of memoirs on the father because I know that soon and it will leave irrevocably.

Part 1 - my house 

Part 2 - Grandma's House