четверг, 8 сентября 2011 г.

my spring

В процессе моей учебы 4-х месячного курса "Фотография на пределе" у куратора Нади Шереметовой вышел вот такой проект.

My spring
When on our body there is a scar from any wound, it reminds us about happened with our body. As also the photo has ability to return us to the last event. Sometimes we don't want to remember something. But at times it is necessary for us not to forget.
    On my body too there is a scar with a reminder on operation concerning the extra-uterine pregnancy which has happened in 2009.
    I have started to remove the fourth pregnancy from the moment when has seen on the test two strips. I was captured at once by anxiety, whether all is normal. It was terrible. Doctors have assured: "If you try to become pregnant independently, at you again will be extra-uterine". But all has managed, the fruit has appeared in a uterus. Only the anxiety hasn't passed. To extra-uterine on term of 7 weeks my second child has stood in me. It seemed to me, it is necessary to reach at least three months that will calm down and to trust in safely mature pregnancy. I have asked the doctor that me have put on preservation. Lie down  in the hospital 10 days, in 2 days after an extract at me problems have begun. Me have again put in hospital.
So, through all barriers, we made the way to life.
In 3 weeks the child should be born, I live so far  from the signal to a signal, pausin in the expectations of pertubation in me.

Speak, overcoming fear, we become stronger. But there are moments in our life when on you depends nothing. And only belief in tomorrow's "is good" can though somehow to support you and to give hope.
Photographing itself throughout all pregnancy, I as if insured myself from failure. Stopping experiences in a shot, on the one hand, I as though destroyed them, got rid of internal pressure, on the other hand, thereby didn't dare to forget this hard way to the old desire.

My fourth pregnancy has had on an early autumn, all the winter long, all the spring long.

My spring


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